you are very in love with your heart mate, but you are afraid of is when applying for her, whether her parents will give the blessing? what if not? it feels shattered, so I want to give some tips that may be your lunch for more familiar with the parents mate to your heart ...
1. Polite
This is the most important thing. Know your partner's family cultural right. The first time you meet, do not forget to dress modestly. No need to look old-fashioned, neat and elegant origins. Nothing wrong to kiss the hands of their parents if that's the prevailing culture in the partner's family. Say 'Please', and 'Thank you' at the right time. Be friendly. Do not be too tight because you will only appear strangeFamiliarity with in-laws or prospective in-laws
Maintaining good relations with in-laws
2. Praise
Sincere praise will warm the atmosphere. Food served, appearancehis mother, or musical talent his brother could be a compliment. But remember, do it with sincerity, and do not overdo it.
3. Asked
Asking is a sign of attention. Questioning is also a sign that you care and want to know more about the partner's family. Nothing wrong to ask questions about the activities of your partner lightly while at home. But do not be too deep, one question will only make you look rude.
4. Smile
Do not forget to smile. This will further transmit your hospitality. Smile with sincerity. Show that you enjoy being with family couples.
5. Help
Show that you are someone who likes to help. Participate clearing the dinner table, serving snacks and drinks, will create your future mother-in-law was impressed.
6. Follow-ups
The first meeting was conducted. But that does not mean you become no longer concerned about their partner's family. Every now and then calling the prospective mother-in-law, or sister invites couples to the salon or go shopping together will make us closer you are to them. You also have more opportunities to known and familiar.
7. Repeat again
Do not be bored to repeat the steps above. Families also will be impressed as well as couples increasingly menyanyangi you.
Good luck and hopefully I can help you take your partner's heart parent
friends, let us laugh as much before the laughter is forbidden by religion and government,, hahahaa there is dizziness? refres your brain by sending a short message to your friends, and wait for her answer, should be interesting .... :)
Eat already, drinking already, have a bath, watch tv already, taking medicine already, bobo already, and yet it still feels something is missing? Oops, I Blum received a short message from you, no wonder it feels something is missing, hehe
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True love is like a pillow, you can hug when in trouble, you can cry when you hurt him, and you can hug when km happy .. So, when km requires true love ... PREPARE MONEY buy 50 THOUSAND AND PILLOW, hehe
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Always think positive it like this: if there are sparrows in the sky who "accidentally" throw the dirt right in your face, do not have to think about, do not need to be angry, do not need to be sad, even give thanks to God, because cows can not fly. (Just imagine if your face is a waste of cow dung fly, what the world said?)
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A grandmother who cross the street almost got hit by a motorcycle. Angry motorists: "Granny stupid! Crossing the street does not look right-left!" Grandma says: "You are stupid!! Crashing grandmothers just do not hit ..!
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News today: A mother and her child were killed by lightning. Now police are trying to catch lightning is
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dollars. . . .
Yen. . . .
Euro. . . .
Rupiah. . . .
eye test results:
YOUR POSITIVE mercenary. . Haha.
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Ageless ways, namely: 1. Many young people drink coconut water. 2. Ageless herbal drink. 3. Eating "Young Leaves". 4. Got "Young Wife"
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.+""+..--. (| == O ==,===::: '+..+"'--''
I maenkan guitar for you, I sing the song ..! Nina Nina sleep oh sleep .. if not sleep .. I was sleeping ..!
Good Night, good night
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I Want to Say Something To you But Do not Angry! Do not let our pershabatan damaged.
I know it's too late and Quick Before I tell you Before Others Better
I Say Now if I want to say 1 2 3 do not forget to pee before going to bed'...!!! reply hehe
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Hi O ye faithful orang2 drinking liquor because it adalh demon drink and drink it later if you keep drinking demons hell? Faithful do not drink alcohol because it adalh demon drink and drink it later if you keep drinking demons hell?
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mental hospital doctors see patients for coffee and then enter a drug into it. doctor: what medicine is inserted into your coffee? patients: febrifuge quickly let coffee cool!
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A baker was hit by a mini metro, then the police came and asked, "what is it sir??" baker who is dying replied, "there are pineapple, cheese, chocolate and mocca .."
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Calls to all operators only Rp. 10, -/jam starting at 06:00 until 23:59. Promo is valid if you have a grandmother telephone OPERATOR
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State electricity company announced a rotating power outages are eliminated, replaced with the ignition turns ELECTRICITY
haha .... if you want to trick n tips can click here
many problems that arise when we must give voice to speak,
problems that arise are likely gerogi, fear a mistake, or fear of other people are not comfortable with the subject that you palm it ....
actually easy to solve this problem ..
as long as we trust and believe everything will be fine, would be fine ..
believe in the power of belief ..
here I want to give tips to speak: Many people are good at thinking, good at saying, and experts in attitude. Not infrequently it is often invite click amazed to society. It's just that, a lot of people that are difficult to communicate in the future. Here are simple tips to make a person able to speak well in public.
1. Do not speak the mind, let your heart speak.
That is, do not dwell on the subject that was delivered and referral arranged. Speaking with the heart is much more comfortable and convenient than have to speak with full concentration and attention to style. People are more comfortable to hear the conversation when the speaker spoke in conditions of freedom and not forced.
2. Master the audience's gaze.
When talking, do not look only to one point. Let your eyes roam everywhere to know the intensity of audience interest. If you capture the signals from the audience's laziness, you can emphasize your views on him. Better still if your body language so that at least he is leads him feel cared for.
3. Use a dynamic voice intonation
The sound is flat and not rhythmic makes the audience become bored and want to sleep. High voice and create deafening auditory nerve audience to be disturbed. Dinamiskan voice and control your sound at the point you comfortable when speaking. Intonation is imposed will make you uncomfortable in talking.
4. Body language helps your audience the purpose of discussion audiences catch
There was no denying that when heard, people far more use of his eyes than the ears. Do not believe? Try to read a book while listening to music. memorized the lyrics to music, reading a book with a loud voice. Can? Can not be guaranteed. But try memorized the contents of the book while listening to music. It must be so much easier .. That is, what really captured the audience in a conversation is actually what they see, only what they hear. Therefore improve your body language.
5. Expand knowledge
If most people think that to be the MC (Master of Ceremony), one need only pandas speaking, most people are wrong. For the MC, or in this case the speaker, someone needs to package the conversation to become more attractive. Although it talks about a very boring hal2 such as physics, etc.. Most people are interested to speak on matters they feel attractive and pleasing as gossip, crime stories, etc.. That is, a good speaker should have an extensive knowledge for the conversation sounded interesting. Hence, expand the horizons first before speaking. A few interesting tips to be able to speak well in public.
most important in living a relationship with someone is to not blame our spouse. More importantly, always trying to improve and not repeat the same mistakes. Remember, remember someone will not change if we ourselves who started it the first thing we need to consider ...
1. Starting A Relationship.
Determine standards to be achieved in your relationship. Begin taking systematic steps in that direction. If you want a life partner a loyal, honest, open and reliable. You also must show the same attitude. Think about the people who have these qualities and start
2. Need Good Relationship Processes that are not instant.
fall in love at first sight would often occur at the sight of a person (usually physically attractive interest you). You must feel the existence of an urge to know her further. But, if suitable, that there is a relationship in a short time instant and an end. Physical attraction is important, but interest in the personality of each is more important. Can be very strong emotional bond. To understand the personality of someone having to go through the process quite a long time and do not rush, get to know your partner before either outside or inside. Starting a relationship through friendship, usually last long.
3. 50-50.
Two become one, the core of a relationship. How much can you give to your partner, and vice versa. When in love, it seems you would give anything and do anything for him. Over time, if one party is too much to give and the other parties just to accept it, there will be an imbalance and could be the beginning goyahnya a relationship. receive and give a balanced way will bear the sense of interdependence and respect your partner. Show that you need a presence, but at the same time that you are an independent.
4. understand your partner because everyone wants to be understood.
You are not him and he is not you. So stop to ask him to be someone that you want. Stop him do something you want. Thank him what it is. Enjoy the equation that you have as often as possible and do not ributkan small differences is the culprit rift in your relationship. Give him the freedom to do what he likes. Try to get involved in every aspect of life even if you do not like it. He will realize and appreciate the effort you are.
5. Trust and Open Communication.
Jealousy, may be even could be spices, but if too much, do not expect. If too much envied, your partner will feel that he is not trusted by you. Despite your allegations are not true, maybe just because of your excessive jealousy, she became upset and did so because already not trusted by you. Talk openly and calmly every problem you face. Make her feel appreciated by the belief that you provide. Do not cover up a problem with lies. A lie that one will bear another lie. Once you are caught lying, it is difficult to re-gain confidence.
6. Facing Crisis and Issues.
Laughing and smiling, it's the best way in dealing with each problem. Clear his mind, do not be frantic and to make you stressed. When you smell the aroma of boredom, change your habits and routines are boring. Surprise him with a small gift, give extra attention once in a while is okay. Go somewhere fun and do new things, can reinvigorate the relationship begins to wilt. What if you smell the third person? Keep calm, show them you are the right person for him. Talk back to your relationship goals and plan ahead. He passed the original commitment to be faithful to each other. Do not accuse him directly that he is cheating or trying to cheat.
7. Give a Second Chance.
Do not be stingy to give a second chance, just make sure it's really the last ultimatum that you provide. If you are too tolerant of mistakes that he made, you will be mocked. People make mistakes. People of good will realize his mistake and are working hard to fix. Unlike the fools, they'll keep repeating it and play a thousand words to seduce you. Faced with such people, 'kick' it away. Strong relationships must be able to get through various challenges and trials. How to deal with it is to forgive your partner if err and make mistakes, fix them together and try to chance the two are hopefully better.
Good sex is good relationship, hmm ... might as well. When starting a relationship try to not involve sex. Although you want to do, hold on. Sex is the main attraction in a relationship. If you are too mengobralnya at the beginning of the relationship, that attraction will disappear spontaneously. Do not be too easy. Make her believe that you will only do it with him and it will be done when your relationship is certain and that is deep in a bond perkawinana. Not just for fun.
if the relationship foundered, remember you still have thousands and thousands of opportunities to get better than him