Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

8 great way to maintain a good relationship so that ?

most important in living a relationship with someone is to not blame our spouse. More importantly, always trying to improve and not repeat the same mistakes. Remember, remember someone will not change if we ourselves who started it the first thing we need to consider ...

   1. Starting A Relationship.

Determine standards to be achieved in your relationship. Begin taking systematic steps in that direction. If you want a life partner a loyal, honest, open and reliable. You also must show the same attitude. Think about the people who have these qualities and start

2. Need Good Relationship Processes that are not instant.

fall in love at first sight would often occur at the sight of a person (usually physically attractive interest you). You must feel the existence of an urge to know her further. But, if suitable, that there is a relationship in a short time instant and an end. Physical attraction is important, but interest in the personality of each is more important. Can be very strong emotional bond. To understand the personality of someone having to go through the process quite a long time and do not rush, get to know your partner before either outside or inside. Starting a relationship through friendship, usually last long.

3. 50-50.

Two become one, the core of a relationship. How much can you give to your partner, and vice versa. When in love, it seems you would give anything and do anything for him. Over time, if one party is too much to give and the other parties just to accept it, there will be an imbalance and could be the beginning goyahnya a relationship. receive and give a balanced way will bear the sense of interdependence and respect your partner. Show that you need a presence, but at the same time that you are an independent.

4. understand your partner because everyone wants to be understood.

You are not him and he is not you. So stop to ask him to be someone that you want. Stop him do something you want. Thank him what it is. Enjoy the equation that you have as often as possible and do not ributkan small differences is the culprit rift in your relationship. Give him the freedom to do what he likes. Try to get involved in every aspect of life even if you do not like it. He will realize and appreciate the effort you are.

5. Trust and Open Communication.

Jealousy, may be even could be spices, but if too much, do not expect. If too much envied, your partner will feel that he is not trusted by you. Despite your allegations are not true, maybe just because of your excessive jealousy, she became upset and did so because already not trusted by you. Talk openly and calmly every problem you face. Make her feel appreciated by the belief that you provide. Do not cover up a problem with lies. A lie that one will bear another lie. Once you are caught lying, it is difficult to re-gain confidence.

6. Facing Crisis and Issues.

Laughing and smiling, it's the best way in dealing with each problem. Clear his mind, do not be frantic and to make you stressed. When you smell the aroma of boredom, change your habits and routines are boring. Surprise him with a small gift, give extra attention once in a while is okay. Go somewhere fun and do new things, can reinvigorate the relationship begins to wilt. What if you smell the third person? Keep calm, show them you are the right person for him. Talk back to your relationship goals and plan ahead. He passed the original commitment to be faithful to each other. Do not accuse him directly that he is cheating or trying to cheat.

7. Give a Second Chance.

Do not be stingy to give a second chance, just make sure it's really the last ultimatum that you provide. If you are too tolerant of mistakes that he made, you will be mocked. People make mistakes. People of good will realize his mistake and are working hard to fix. Unlike the fools, they'll keep repeating it and play a thousand words to seduce you. Faced with such people, 'kick' it away. Strong relationships must be able to get through various challenges and trials. How to deal with it is to forgive your partner if err and make mistakes, fix them together and try to chance the two are hopefully better.


Good sex is good relationship, hmm ... might as well. When starting a relationship try to not involve sex. Although you want to do, hold on. Sex is the main attraction in a relationship. If you are too mengobralnya at the beginning of the relationship, that attraction will disappear spontaneously. Do not be too easy. Make her believe that you will only do it with him and it will be done when your relationship is certain and that is deep in a bond perkawinana. Not just for fun.

if the relationship foundered, remember you still have thousands and thousands of opportunities to get better than him

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